

Stay relevant with your customers

Send the right message at the right time by automating your entire customer experience. Quickly create high impact customer communications.
SuperValu with strap
Irish Health Life
Simple automated workflows

Marketing automation workflows made simple

Increase your team’s efficiency with Circulator’s journey builder. Easily build dynamic, automated marketing communications for your customers. Create a journey plan with multiple starting points, branches, and unique actions so each of your contacts has a personalised experience.

Let Circulator do the work

Automate workflows
Quickly and easily use automation triggers to set up personalised email and sms marketing workflows
Transactional email
Integrate with your technolody stack to send all transactional email and sms via Circulator giving you one view of all your customer communications
Streamline productivity
Create high-impact email automations in hours, not days reducing your resources and letting your team concentrate on growing the business.
Behavioural Targeting
The Circulator platform allows you to target your customers based on specific behaviours; how they have engaged with your email or whether they have purchased online.
Automate workflow

Where all your email marketing automation comes together

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Welcome emails are a great way to boost subscriber engagement with roughly 70% of subscribers expecting one. When done right, welcome emails set the tone of the relation you want to have with your audience. The benefits of having a welcome email series when comparing to other promotional emails:

  • Higher opens – *60% higher open rate
  • Higher clicks – 5x higher click-through rate
  • Increased revenue – 320% more revenue
  • Reduction is resources with automation
  • *Source Invespcro


Birthday are one of the most special days of the year when everyone deserves to be acknowledged and celebrated. Spoil your customers on their birthday with automated campaigns that will encourage online or instore spending. Why send birthday emails?

  • 481% higher transaction rate than promotional emails
  • 342% higher revenue per email than promotional emails
  • 179% higher unique click rates than promotional emails
  • *Source Experian
Cross Sell

Cross Sell

A message delivered at the right time, with product recommendations that are relevant to the customer is key to cross selling sucess. The probability of selling to a new customer is 5-20%, while the probability of selling to an existing customer is 60-70%. Reasons for implementing a cross sell automation series

  • Improves your bottom line
  • Increases your customer’s loyalty
  • Broadens choise of products & services
  • Increases the customer lifetime value


Post-purchase review emails building a relationship with past shoppers. It is a great way of letting the customers know that you care about their opinions and feedback. Customer reviews give businesses the chance to see what’s working, get discovered by new customers, and sell more products or services.

  • 79% of consumers say they trust online reviews
  • 87% of consumers read online reviews for local businesses
  • Only *19% of consumers would use a business with fewer than 3 stars
  • *Source Brightlocal Review Survey 2020


For most online businesses, one of the biggest leaks in their sales and marketing funnel is shoppers who add products to their cart, but then abandon them at checkout. By implementing an abandoned cart Email and SMS strategy, you can start combatting this phenomenon.

  • Be sure to use your company rating in abandonment emails
  • Higher open rate and good content lead to increase conversions
  • Be sure to use engaging messaging to get the readers attention


Inactive contacts remaining subscribed skew your analytics and could be hurting your deliverability, engagement and overall effectiveness. Develop automated email campaigns that are designed to re-engage previous inactive customers.

  • Use engaging content and let my FOMO do the work
  • Re-engage iniatives may help decrease your database decay
  • Reward or incentify your customers to engage with your brand

Lapsed / Win back

Encourage customers who haven’t purchased in a set timeframe back to your brand. The goal of lapsed email automation is to entice customers to purchase and to move one time buyers into repeat customers. Let the automation do all the hardwork for you. Why do lapsed or win back campaigns?

  • It costs 5 times more to win new customer than to keep an existing
  • 45% of customers that open a win-back email will open your future emails
  • 40% of revenue generally comes from repeat customers

Shane Hogan, Marketing Manager, Premier Sports

"Circulator has helped us improve our data management by implementing multiple data integrations with various elements of our business. By streamlining our data processes we have now minimised risk whilst allowing our team access up to date customer data allowing us to react much quicker for key events that Premier Sports are broadcasting”

Powerful Integration
Circulator’s platform can integrate with any system


“Circulator has become a strategic partner, transforming the customer engagement through its communication solutions”
Aisling Toms


“We’ve seen real business benefits and are now able to have more meaningful conversations with both existing and potential customers. I’m proud of the work we’ve done with Circulator and see it as the start of a longer-term drive towards better personalisation and a better experience for our customers”
Jessica Nolan


“Reliable email delivery is critical to our business. But we wanted a provider who also shares our appetite for smart innovation. That’s exactly what we’ve got with Circulator.”
Orla Shiels