Integration API
Reliable email
marketing integrations
Integrating your business systems and apps with Circulator is easy. We’ve refined the process over 10 years to ensure a smooth and efficient delivery.

Delivering robust
technical integrations
When we work on a technical integration with our clients, we will start with an information gathering and system analysis process. This allows us to set the foundations for a good solution and strategy for execution. We will manage and deliver the project end to end, followed by our guidance and expertise as we onboard a new client. Circulator offers a partnership with excellent support throughout.
Circulator’s API
Circulator’s platform is accessible through our public API. We make it a breeze to connect to our API no matter which programming language you like to use. Just select your language and you’ll be able to integrate with Circulator. Our system is monitored around the clock with built in error handling and notifications to keep you informed

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Brands that rely on Circulator to scale their business